
Daughters Day Quotes from Mother and Parents

Daughters Day Quotes from Mother

Daughters Day quotes from mother and parents are provided here. Pick a lovely quote from mother to her daughter from the given 60 special quotes for lovely princesses and angels.


Special Daughters Day Quotes from a Mother

  1. I asked God for a blessing, and He gave me you.
  2. You are the only woman I don’t mind competing with for your father’s attention.
  3. I can’t wait for you to have a daughter….so you can know the joy I do.
  4. My daughter….saying that never gets old.
  5. A mother doesn’t want to see herself in her daughter; she wants to see a better woman.
  6. When she was younger, she was my challenge…now that she is older, she is my treasure.
  7. A mother’s joy is full when her daughter becomes a mother as well.
  8. There will be days you will wish you were back in your mother’s arms, and you can always come home to them.
  9. A mother’s vintage clothes become a daughter’s hidden treasure.
  10. A mother will teach her daughter how to look the part, but also how to be the part.
  11. A daughter is a reflection of a mother’s joy.
  12. My daughter is my second chance to get it right.
  13. The best girl talks are between a mother and her daughter’s.
  14. A daughter is a mirror to her mother; she only hopes that she’s put on enough make-up to stomach the view.
  15. To know you are raising a girl to be a strong independent woman makes a mother proud.
  16. Her laugh brings joy and her heart brings love.
  17. No matter how old she may be, sometimes a girl just needs her mom.
  18. The most precious jewel a mother owns is her daughter’s life around hers.
  19. When people ask, tell them you got it from your mamma.
  20. By the time a woman realizes her mother was right, she has a daughter who thinks she’s wrong.
  21. I know that our relationship is not perfect, but I love that it’s strong.
  22. you are the sweetest melody and the brightest ray of light.
  23. I love watching you become what I wanted to be.
  24. My prayer is that you not only become a woman but teach your daughters how to as well.
  25. I never knew how much I loved your father until I saw how much he loved you.
  26. You are one of the greatest joys a mother could have. Happy Daughter’s Day
  27. I wonder sometimes how I got to have a daughter as beautiful and wonderful as you.
  28. Thankful for the joy that you bring and the way that you make my heart sing.
  29. You are your mother’s sunshine and joy. Forever and always, you are my girl.
  30. You aren’t just my daughter, you are my best friend. Thank you for being a blessing to me.
  31. May Grace and peace be your guide in life. May you experience the joy of being a mother to a daughter as wonderful as you. Happy Daughter’s Day!
  32. Proud of the woman that you are becoming and proud to be your mom.
  33. You are the greatest reflection of me.  I smile every time I think of how blessed I am to call you mine.
  34. Happy Daughter’s Day to the girl who always makes me smile and fills my heart with laughter.
  35. You are one of the most beautiful gifts that God has ever given.
  36. One of the proudest moments as a mom is seeing you with a daughter of your own.
  37. Dear daughter, thank you for so much joy that you have brought to my life as your mother. You always said you wanted to be like me but I’m glad that you have become better than that.
  38. You’ve grown from princesses and glitter to a wedding ring and a daughter of your own.  I am so proud of every part of your journey.
  39. I can still remember cradling you in my arms and thanking God for you. Happy Daughter’s Day! Love from your mother.
  40. I have been amazed at everything that you have done in becoming the woman you are today.
  41. I can’t believe you’re all grown up and a mom yourself. You are always my daughter.
  42. From the moment you were formed in my womb, I loved you.
  43. The moment she is born, a daughter is a mother’s greatest joy.
  44. A daughter is a mother’s precious gift from God. Happy Daughter’s Day
  45. Dear daughter, you will always be my greatest gift to the world.


Daughters Day Quotes from Parents

  1. A parent’s greatest joy is to see their daughter grow into a woman.
  2. When your son repeats your words, you know he was listening. When your daughter repeats your words, you know she’s planning something.
  3. A daughter who is rooted is a woman who will stand her ground.
  4. A daughter brings innocence to the family.
  5. Life is tough, my daughter, but so are you.
  6. She may outgrow a lot of this, but a daughter will never outgrow a parent’s heart.
  7. Parents: they may not understand you, but they don’t need to understand to love you.
  8. Don’t grow up too fast; womanhood will wait on you.
  9. You have made every decision leading up to your birth worth it.
  10. Wait until you see your daughter on her wedding day. You’ll want all of the days before it back again.
  11. Daughter’s hold our hands when they are younger, but hold out holds for all of the time.
  12. A daughter is one of the most beautiful gifts from God.
  13. Laugh with her, cry with her, and love with her; that’s all you need to grow with her.
  14. Two big transitions from parent to daughter: when you call her yours and when you let him call her his
  15. Our daughter: a mother’s treasure and a father’s pride.


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