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What is Daughter’s Day? When and How to Celebrate?

what is daughters day


Daughter’s Day is a day dedicated to celebrating the unique bond between parents and their daughters, recognizing their love, strength, and importance in the family. Observed on the fourth Sunday of September, it’s a chance to honor daughters of all ages and express appreciation for the joy they bring into our lives.

But Daughter’s Day is more than just a celebration—it carries a deeper message of breaking societal norms, promoting gender equality, and appreciating daughters for their remarkable contributions.

In this blog, you’ll learn why this day matters, when it’s celebrated, and how it stands as a symbol of progress and love.


Why is Daughter’s Day celebrated?

International Daughter's Day

Daughter’s Day is about honoring daughters and recognizing their significance in families and society. Historically, women have faced discrimination and unequal treatment. Daughter’s Day was created to challenge these norms, promote gender equality, and celebrate the contributions and resilience of daughters everywhere.


When is Daughter’s Day celebrated?

Daughter’s Day is observed on the fourth Sunday of September each year, though the exact date may vary by country.

Here are the dates for Daughter’s Day from 2020 to 2024:

  • 2024: September 22
  • 2023: September 24
  • 2022: September 25
  • 2021: September 26
  • 2020: September 27


History of Daughter’s Day

Discrimination against women has deep roots in history. In countries like India, being born a female was often seen as a disadvantage. In the U.S., women were denied political and economic rights until the 18th century. Although progress has been made in the fight for women’s empowerment, gender bias still exists.

Daughter’s Day is a celebration of progress and a reminder of the continued effort to promote gender equality.


How to Celebrate Daughter’s Day?

For ideas on how to celebrate Daughter’s Day in meaningful and fun ways, you can visit this guide for inspiration.


Difference Between National Daughter’s Day and National Sons and Daughters Day

National Daughter’s Day specifically celebrates daughters, while National Sons and Daughters Day honors all children. Both days are opportunities for parents to express their love and appreciation, but Daughter’s Day places a special focus on recognizing the value of daughters.


Why is Daughter’s Day special?

Every child is special to their parents. Daughter’s Day serves as an opportunity to highlight that daughters are equally cherished. Despite the challenges women may face in the world, a daughter should always find love and support within her family. This day is about expressing appreciation and reminding daughters of their irreplaceable role in the family.



Celebrate your daughter in ways that reflect your unique bond, whether through activities, heartfelt conversations, or small gestures of love. Daughter’s Day is a special occasion to honor your daughter, but the love, appreciation, and support should be shown every day.


Don’t forget to wish your beautiful daughters and celebrate the whole day with them.



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Top 5 Short Speeches on Daughters Day

Short Speech on Daughters Day


Here, we’ve gathered a selection of short speeches for Daughters Day to inspire your celebration. Daughters Day is a special occasion to honor the incredible impact daughters have on our lives. It’s a day to recognize their contributions and the joy they bring to our families.

A daughter is truly a gift, embodying care, support, and kindness. To show our appreciation, we celebrate this day with meaningful activities and acknowledgments.

Let’s explore these speeches.


Speech Tips and Tricks

  • Start Strong: Begin with a compelling introduction to capture your audience’s attention.
  • Know Your Audience: Tailor your speech to the interests and expectations of your listeners.
  • Choose Wisely: Review all the provided speeches and select the one that best fits your occasion.
  • Include Quotes: Enhance your speech with relevant Daughters Day quotes to energize and engage your audience.
  • Share Stories: Use personal anecdotes or stories to make your speech more relatable and memorable.
  • End with Emotion: Conclude with a heartfelt message to leave a lasting impression.



Short Speeches for the Upcoming Daughter’s Day

Following are five best speeches on the topic of Daughters or Daughter’s Day. You can either dedicate one of these to your beloved daughter or you can deliver it at an event or program accordingly.

Short Speeches on Daughters Day


1. Speech on Daughters No. 1

Listen this speech:



Good morning everyone, I am anonymous and today I’m going to talk about celebrating the daughters of our families.

Speech Body:

Dear daughters,

Today is a day set aside to celebrate you all. So I want to take this time out, to remind you about what you represent as a daughter. You are a blessing to your families and a hope for the future. You are not just a daughter, or a woman but you are a light to the paths of many. You are a role model to your siblings. Daughters are born nurses, even when they don’t know the exact thing to do, they still care.

You are not just a child, a daughter or a mother, you are a mentor, a hero, a legend, an achiever. You are a creation filled with strength to break protocols and to make history. You are a leader, a survivor, a doer of all things both great and small. You shouldn’t allow anything deter you from being the best you can be. Aim for the best, aim for the top. Dare to do exploits, make goals and achieve them. Dream dreams and fulfill them. You have all it takes to shine, dear daughters.

You are unstoppable, you are limitless. You are a boundary setter, a tireless fighter and a pacesetter. Do not be scared to do, to be, to make and create, to empower and be empowered, and most of all, do not be scared to live life without fears. For you are made to be outstanding. Live in the light of that knowledge now and always, dear daughter.

Happy Daughters Day to you.


Find another speech specifically on My Daughter here.


2. Daughter’s Day Speech No. 2

Listen this speech:



Greetings to everyone, my name is anonymous and the topic of my today’s speech is Daughters Day, the special day to admire the daughters in our society.

Speech Body:

Just like Euripides said “To a father growing old, nothing is dearer than a daughter.”  This is true in its entirety. No one appreciates kindness, peace and beauty like the aged and it is because they tend to see life, the world and people for who and what they truly are, and that is why they see daughters for what they truly are.

Daughters are very dear. So dear that their worth can never be measured. From the tenderness that they carry in their hearts to the beauty reflected in their eyes. Maybe they are so tender because no matter how old a woman gets, she is still a daughter and she carries this knowledge all around. This probably explains it.

So today as always, I want you as a daughter, to remember who you are. You are light; one that shines as a depth of purpose. You are a star; one that illuminates surroundings through the striving effect of darkness. And the more daughter’s there are in a family, the more peaceful, calm and bright that family becomes. You all give meanings to the little things of life. You all reflect what a truly happy home should have.

Know that you are held high and greatly loved, and that you matter not just in the home, but in the society at large and that just as you are beautiful, so is everything about you.

Happy daughter’s day to her father’s joy and the beauty of the home!


3. Daughter’s Day Speech No. 3

Listen this speech:



Good day to all folks, this day I’m here to talk about daughters, who are the most beautiful part of the family. The one who is ready to help her parents. Daughters deserve quite more but due to shortage of time, I could say just a few words about them.

Speech Body:

First of all, Happy Daughter’s Day to every daughter of the nation!

This celebration is a time to think about you, because I know you always spend thinking and worrying about other people and their problems. But free yourself from all of those thoughts today, and enjoy being celebrated because you deserve it. Thank you for all those times that you cared to do the little things for others that counts. Some of these times, you were not even acknowledged or thanked. I know you’ve been kind even when people don’t deserve it, I know you’ve been hurt by attitudes and behaviors so much so that you probably felt or even decided to start caring less and not being so kind. But you fail to realize that the world needs more of you, because you are a symbol of peace. You bring warmth to the heart even without uttering a word.

Celebrate yourself today just as we all are celebrating you. You should be proud of yourselves. No matter how tough life gets, and how it seems like you haven’t achieved or accomplished much, remember the smiles you have put on the faces of your father, brothers, cousins, neighbors, and every male you have come in contact with. Those little gestures have helped our society in becoming a better place for us all to live in.

Who you are, and all of the efforts you put into all you do for others is appreciated today and always. So we say a big thank you to you as we celebrate you.

Happy Daughter’s Day, dear one.


4. Speech on World Daughters Day No. 4

Listen this speech:



Hello everyone, my name is anonymous. Today I will give a little speech on the dearest member of the family, the apple’s eye of the parents, the Daughters.

Speech Body:

There is a quote by an anonymous person that does justice to who a daughter really is.

It says and I quote:

“A daughter is the happy memories of the past, the joyful moments of the present, and the hope and promise of the future.”

This quote excites me because it breaks down who a daughter is. Most families wants a daughter as their first child. This is because of their ability to help around in the house as soon as they can. A daughter is a mother from birth. You see her caring for her other siblings, supporting them with what needs to be done and also assisting with chores even when she does not have to.

A daughter puts on herself, responsibilities that are not even given to her. The state of her heart is reflected in all she does for her loved ones. A daughter is simply put, love made manifest.

One day is too small to celebrate how wonderful and special daughters are. But we hope that you all understand how colorful you make our lives and world. You always stay celebrated in our hearts and lives. On this day, know that you are one of the best gifts that the universe blessed the earth with, and we are all so proud of you. Keep shinning, keep being you. Never let the harshness of the world change you from who you are supposed to be.

Happy Daughter’s Day to the angels in our society!

We love you immensely.


5. Speech on Daughters No. 5

Listen this speech:



Greetings and good day, I am anonymous. Today the purpose of my speech is to share my appreciation for the loving angels, the daughters in our homes.

Speech Body:

Dearest daughter,

The pride of every father and the joy of every brother!

You are appreciated in every way possible. Not just are you a person of pride to your father, you are also of great value to the society. Right from birth, the sight of you brightens the faces of all, and the love you give and show to us is always ever new.

Beauty radiates round you. We know your heart is beautiful because you illuminate lives with the multitude of beauty that radiates from inside of you. May you experience as much love as you give!

You are thoughtful, bright, calm, industrious, ambitious, kind and caring. As a daughter, you’re bliss in your entirety. You are love in its purest and undiluted form and a replication of every good desire. As a reflection of your father, you are a representative of the family, and this you prove to be true each time.

Plans will fail, expectations will fall short, but never stop being beautiful, never stop being precious and kind. Daughters are rare and so are you. Every father wants to have you as a child because of the unlimited joy you bring to the family. Just as a diamond illuminates and reflects light, so is your life a reflection of everything bright and true.

Keep being you, for we know there are distractions that abounds all around, but never let it deter you from being all you were made to be, for you are a Queen. Act in that might always.

Happy Daughters Day, diamond! You are loved always.


Daughters Day in Japan (Hinamatsuri)

Hinamatsuri 2019 Japan Daughters Day-min


In Japan, Hinamatsuri (Daughters Day) is an ancient tradition celebrated every year on March 3rd. This day is dedicated to honoring daughters, with families displaying ornamental dolls that represent the Heian period’s royal court. The dolls symbolize parents’ wishes for their daughters’ health, happiness, and future success.

Although Hinamatsuri has expanded to include sons in recent years, its origins are deeply rooted in celebrating girls and their importance in Japanese culture.


What Happens on Hinamatsuri?

The central feature of Hinamatsuri is the elaborate display of dolls on a red-carpeted platform. The display typically includes five to seven tiers:

  • Top Tier: Emperor and Empress
  • Second Tier: Court Ladies
  • Third Tier: Male Court Entertainers
  • Fourth Tier: Ministers and Table for Rice Cakes
  • Fifth Tier: Samurai

Two additional tiers often feature items from the royal court. Boys are celebrated separately on May 5th, during Kodomo no Hi (Children’s Day).


Hinamatsuri Celebrations Beyond Japan

Hinamatsuri has spread to countries like the U.S., U.K., and others with Japanese communities. Additionally, Daughter’s Day is observed in countries such as the U.S., U.K., India, Canada, and Australia on the fourth Sunday of September each year.


Traditional Foods of Hinamatsuri

Hinamatsuri includes traditional foods that reflect the celebration of daughters:

  • Hina Arare: Rice Crackers
  • Shirozake: Fermented White Rice Wine
  • Hishimochi: Tri-Colored Rice Cakes
  • Chirashi-zushi: Scattered Sushi
  • Ushiojiru: Clam Soup

These foods, often pink, symbolize the feminine nature of the day.


Why is Hinamatsuri Celebrated?

Hinamatsuri has roots in an ancient Chinese tradition from at least the 8th century. Originally, dolls were ceremonial and represented the royal court. Today, the tradition continues to honor the special role of daughters in Japanese society. The celebration carries with it a superstition: girls who do not put their dolls away after Hinamatsuri are believed to marry late in life.


Hinamatsuri Traditions and History

The tradition of Hinamatsuri became nationally recognized in Japan in 1687. By the 20th century, many households with daughters had their own displays, continuing a custom that helps forge bonds between daughters and their parents. In 1927, the United States contributed 13,000 dolls to the celebration as a gesture of friendship.


Key Facts About Hinamatsuri

  • Dolls from the 18th century are still in use today.
  • The display tiers are created a few days before March 3rd.
  • The festival is a wish for daughters to experience joyful marriages.



Hinamatsuri is a cherished Japanese tradition that celebrates daughters and their importance in society. For families, it’s a day to reflect on the special role daughters play, while enjoying food, customs, and memories.


Daughters Day Poems from a Mother

Daughters Day Poems from Mother


Daughters bring immense joy and grace to our lives, making it essential to celebrate them on Daughters Day. Here are ten touching Daughters Day poems from a mother, perfect for expressing your love and admiration. Each poem offers a heartfelt way to honor your daughter and make this special day memorable.


10 Heartfelt Poems for Daughters from a Mother


Poem #1

One perfect day that I’ll never forget,
One bit of discomfort I’ll never regret,
One simple cry, you entered the world,
My precious child, my little girl.
These ties no one can sever,
I’ll love you forever.

Happy Daughter’s Day!


Poem #2

This is my hope,
This is my prayer,
Whenever you need me,
I’m always there.
I love you like no other,
Your hero, your mother.

Happy Daughter’s Day!


Poem #3

Each morning I wake,
I’m thankful for my little girl,
For the joy and love you brought,
You’ll always be dear to my heart,
Never to part.

Happy Daughter’s Day!



Poem #4

My daughter, you are precious to me,
Your laughter and joy are all I need.
The older you grow,
The more you should know,
My love for you
Is forever true.

Happy Daughter’s Day!


Poem #5

You are my child,
You make my heart swell with pride,
Your love fills my life,
With joy that’s never denied.
In every moment, my love for you grows,
With you, my happiness forever flows.

Happy Daughter’s Day to my princess!


Poem #6

Remember those days we’d laugh and play?
How I wish we could relive those moments today.
Though time has flown and you’ve grown so tall,
In my heart, those memories will never fall.
Let’s cherish the joy, both old and new,
And keep dancing together, just us two.

Happy Daughter’s Day!


Poem #7

Your smile makes me melt,
You’ll never know how I felt
Holding you for the first time,
Realizing you were mine,
And always will be,
For eternity.

Happy Daughter’s Day!


Poem #8

Late nights talking on the phone,
Wishing our home was still your own,
Now you have kids of your own.
Time has flown,
I’m proud of you,
Whatever you do and wherever you go.

Happy Daughter’s Day!


Poem #9

My daughter, my love,
A gift from above,
You’ll change the world
For all boys and girls,
And I’ll be there to see
How great you will be.


Poem #10

Each second, each step,
Each moment, each breath,
Each hour, each test,
Each day, each success,
Take your time,
You’ll be great and you’ll do fine.

Happy Daughter’s Day!


Mother-daughter relationships

The bond between a mother and daughter is uniquely profound. This relationship, rich with love, support, and shared experiences, is often reflected in the way mothers express their feelings. These poems are not just words; they encapsulate the deep emotional connection that grows and evolves over time. Celebrating this bond on Daughters Day reinforces the importance of acknowledging and cherishing the love and support that define mother-daughter relationships.


Daughters Day celebrations

Daughters Day is the perfect occasion to make your daughter feel cherished and appreciated. Beyond poems, consider planning activities that celebrate her unique qualities. Whether it’s a special family dinner, a personalized gift, or a day spent doing something she loves, these gestures show how much you value her presence in your life. Integrating such celebrations can turn Daughters Day into a cherished memory for both of you.


The emotional impact of poetry

Poetry has a unique way of capturing emotions and expressing feelings that might be hard to articulate otherwise. For mothers, writing or sharing poems can be a deeply therapeutic experience, allowing them to convey love, pride, and hope in a way that resonates. The emotional impact of poetry not only strengthens the bond between mother and daughter but also provides a lasting keepsake of these cherished moments.


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Daughter’s Day in Singapore

When is Daughters Day in Singapore


Daughter’s Day is celebrated on the fourth Sunday of September each year in Singapore, just like in many other countries. This day is dedicated to recognizing and appreciating the contributions of daughters to their families and society. It is a time for parents and daughters to bond, often marked by gift-giving and special moments together.

In 2024, Daughter’s Day in Singapore falls on Sunday, September 22.



Celebrating Daughters Day in Singapore

Celebrating Daughters Day

While Daughter’s Day isn’t an official holiday in Singapore, it’s still a wonderful opportunity to show your daughter how much she means to you.

Here are a few ways to celebrate:


1. Spend Quality Time Together.

Whether it’s a walk in the park, a meal, or just some quality time at home, the key is to make your daughter feel cherished.


2. Give a Thoughtful Gift.

Consider a meaningful gift, whether it’s something practical or sentimental. The value lies in the thought and love behind it. Here are some beautiful Daughters day gifts to choose from.


3. Share a Special Poem.

A heartfelt poem can make your daughter feel truly special.

Here’s a sample:

You fill me with pride,
You fill me with joy,
You fill me with love,
With you, my heart is always full.

Happy Daughter’s Day to my precious girl!

View more Daughter’s Day Poems


4. Send a Memorable Message or Meme.

A simple message or a fun meme can brighten your daughter’s day and make her feel appreciated.

To my amazing daughter, you light up my world with your smile and fill my heart with pride every day.
Happy Daughter’s Day!

Parents Daughter

Explore heartfelt quotes and special memes for Daughter’s Day to make her day even more special.


Daughters Day Places for Kids in Singapore

If your daughter is young, consider celebrating the day by visiting a kid-friendly attraction in Singapore.



International Daughters Day 2024

International Daughter's Day

International Daughter’s Day will be celebrated on Sunday, September 22nd, 2024. This day honors the special bond between parents and daughters and recognizes the contributions daughters make to their families and communities. It’s a global celebration, encouraging appreciation, empowerment, and gender equality.



When is Daughter’s Week?

Happy Daughters Week

Daughter’s Week is celebrated primarily in India, often in August. While there are no official dates, it’s a time to honor the women in our lives—whether daughters, sisters, mothers, or friends.



Other Celebrations in Singapore.

  1. Father’s Day: Celebrated on the third Sunday of June, Father’s Day is a day to show appreciation for fathers and father figures.
  2. Son’s Day: Celebrated on March 4th and September 28th, Son’s Day honors the contributions of sons in families and society.
  3. Children’s Day: In Singapore, Children’s Day is celebrated on the first Friday of October, with a focus on appreciating and nurturing the younger generation.



Frequently Asked Questions.

1. Is there an official Daughters Day in Singapore?

While not an official holiday, Daughter’s Day is celebrated on the fourth Sunday of September. It’s a day to cherish and appreciate the daughters in our lives.

2. Are there 2 National daughters days?

No, Daughter’s Day is observed on the fourth Sunday of September each year.

3. Is Daughters Day always on September 25th?

No, the date varies as it is celebrated on the last Sunday of September.

4. Why do we celebrate Daughter’s Day?

Daughter’s Day is a time to celebrate the joy, love, and support that daughters bring into our lives. It’s a day to express our appreciation and make them feel special.

5. What do I say to my daughter on National Daughters Day?

Take the opportunity to share your love, pride, and gratitude. Simple, heartfelt words can create lasting memories for both of you.


With these ideas in mind, you’re sure to make Daughter’s Day a memorable occasion for your daughter.


Top 10 Short Birthday Poems for Daughters from Moms and Dads

daughter birthday poems from mom and dad


Celebrate your daughter’s birthday with these heartfelt poems from both moms and dads. Whether she’s a little girl or all grown up, these short verses express the unique bond between parents and daughters. Perfect for cards or a special recitation, these poems will make her feel cherished on her special day.

You’ll find poems for daughters of all ages, allowing you to connect with her in a meaningful way, whether you’re a mother or a father.



From your very first breath,
I knew you would be
Our greatest pride,
A joy to me.
Today, we celebrate you
And all you will be.
Happy Birthday, our daughter!


(Happy 1st Birthday to My Daughter)

Today is a day unlike any other,
For it brought us you—
The greatest gift from above.
Happy First Birthday, our treasure!



(Short Birthday Poem from Mom and Dad)

Every smile and giggle,
Every joyful wiggle—
You bring us life,
Our sweet little girl.
Happy Birthday to you!



You came to me as the greatest gift
That could ever ask for.
Everything I do is for you
And if I could, I would do more.
I love being your mother and friend
and this love will never end.


(for Grown Daughter)

You’re older now,
But forever our little one—
As calming as the moon,
As bright as the sun.
Your birthday changed our world,
And we love you more with each passing year.


(Heartfelt Birthday Poem for My Daughter)

May your wishes come true,
Your dreams be big,
And your hopes be realized.
You deserve all the love and joy
That the world can give.
Happy Birthday, our sweet girl!



May your heart stay pure,
Your passions remain true,
And your energy be boundless.
May you always see the best in others—
Just as we see the best in you.
Happy Birthday, our princess!



We’ve watched you grow,
Leaving girlhood behind.
Though time moves quickly,
We cherish each memory.
You’ll always be our precious girl.
Happy Birthday, our daughter!


(For Adult Daughter)

You’re no longer a child—
You’ve grown into a remarkable woman,
Accomplishing so much on your own.
We’re endlessly proud
Of who you’ve become.
Happy Birthday!



Our daughter, our love,
A gift from above—
You are a part of us,
Like waves on the sea,
Like the sun in the sky,
You brighten our lives.
Happy Birthday!



Which poem speaks to you? Share your favorite and tell us how you celebrated your daughter’s special day!

For more inspiration, explore these pages:


Heartfelt Daughters Day Messages for Moms, Dads, and Both Parents

Daughters Day Quotes from Mother


Daughters Day quotes beautifully capture the deep love and appreciation you have for your daughter, enhancing your celebration with meaningful sentiments. Whether you’re a mother, father, or both, these quotes are perfect for cards, gifts, and personal messages, helping you express your heartfelt emotions on this special day.



Daughters Day quotes from mothers

  1. “I asked God for a blessing, and He gave me you.”
    Reflects a mother’s gratitude, viewing her daughter as a divine gift.
  2. “My daughter…saying that never gets old.”
    Highlights the enduring pride and joy a mother feels each time she acknowledges her daughter.
  3. “A mother’s joy is full when her daughter becomes a mother as well.”
    Celebrates the joy of witnessing a daughter embrace the role of a parent.
  4. “You are your mother’s sunshine and joy. Forever and always, you are my girl.”
    Affirms the essential role a daughter plays in her mother’s life.
  5. “From the moment you were formed in my womb, I loved you.”
    Expresses the unconditional love a mother feels from the very beginning.
  6. “You are one of the greatest joys a mother could have. Happy Daughter’s Day!”
    Recognizes the immense joy a daughter brings into her mother’s life.
  7. “I have been amazed at everything that you have done in becoming the woman you are today.”
    Highlights the pride in a daughter’s achievements and growth.
  8. “I can still remember cradling you in my arms and thanking God for you. Happy Daughter’s Day! Love from your mother.”
    Reflects on cherished memories of raising a daughter.
  9. “The most precious jewel a mother owns is her daughter’s life around hers.”
    Symbolizes the precious bond between mother and daughter.
  10. “A mother doesn’t want to see herself in her daughter; she wants to see a better woman.”
    Celebrates the aspiration for a daughter to surpass her mother’s achievements.
  11. “My daughter is my second chance to get it right.”
    Reflects the joy of seeing a daughter succeed where a mother may have wished for her own opportunities.
  12. “I love watching you become what I wanted to be.”
    Highlights the pride a mother feels seeing her daughter achieve her dreams.



Daughters Day messages from a father

  1. “When your son repeats your words, you know he was listening. When your daughter repeats your words, you know she’s planning something.”
    A playful observation on the unique relationship between fathers and daughters.
  2. “Life is tough, my daughter, but so are you.”
    An empowering message affirming the daughter’s strength and resilience.
  3. “A daughter’s smile is a reflection of her father’s heart.”
    Emphasizes the deep connection between a father and his daughter.
  4. “You have made every decision leading up to your birth worth it.”
    Acknowledges the joy and fulfillment a daughter brings to her father’s life.
  5. “Seeing you grow into a confident and compassionate woman is my greatest achievement.”
    Celebrates a father’s pride in his daughter’s development and character.

For more heartfelt Daughters Day quotes from fathers, explore our collection and find the perfect words to celebrate your daughter.



Daughters Day quotes from both parents

  1. “A daughter is one of the most beautiful gifts from God.”
    Celebrates the divine blessing of having a daughter.
  2. “A daughter brings innocence to the family.”
    Highlights the pure and refreshing influence a daughter has on her family.
  3. “She may outgrow a lot of this, but a daughter will never outgrow a parent’s heart.”
    Reflects the enduring love from both parents for their daughter.
  4. “Our daughter: a mother’s treasure and a father’s pride.”
    A unified statement of the joy and pride both parents feel for their daughter.
  5. “A parent’s greatest joy is watching their daughter become a remarkable woman.”
    Highlights the pride of both parents in their daughter’s accomplishments.
  6. “Every milestone you reach is a testament to our love and support.”
    Reflects the pride and support from both parents as their daughter achieves new milestones.
  7. “Together we have watched you grow into a beautiful person, inside and out.”
    Acknowledges the joint effort of both parents in nurturing their daughter.
  8. “Your kindness and wisdom light up our lives every day. We’re so proud of you.”
    Celebrates the positive impact of a daughter’s qualities on her parents.
  9. “The bond we share with you, our daughter, is a treasure beyond words.”
    Emphasizes the irreplaceable bond between parents and their daughter.



Creative ways to use quotes in Daughters Day celebrations

Use these quotes creatively to enhance your Daughters Day celebrations:

  • Gifts: Print quotes on personalized items like mugs, picture frames, or candles for a special touch. For more personalized gift ideas, view our selection of Daughters Day gifts that will make your celebration even more memorable.
  • Cards: Include a heartfelt message with one of these quotes to add a personal sentiment.
  • Social Media: Share a quote to celebrate your daughter and connect with others.



Crafting your own personalized Daughters Day quotes

Creating your own quotes allows you to express the unique aspects of your relationship. Consider these tips:

  • Reflect on Your Bond: Focus on cherished moments and qualities.
  • Use Personal Anecdotes: Highlight specific experiences.
  • Be Sincere: Let your genuine emotions guide your words.



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Daughters Day in Bangladesh

Daughters Day in Bangladesh


Bangladesh celebrates Daughters Day as ‘National Girl Child Day’ on September 30th, focusing on the importance of daughters and encouraging their empowerment. International Daughters Day is observed on the fourth Sunday of September, which falls on September 22nd in 2024.

While Bangladesh celebrates later in the month, countries like the United States mark National Girl Child Day on October 11th. Other countries, including India, the UK, Canada, and Australia, observe Daughters Day on various dates.



National Level: In Bangladesh, National Girl Child Day is marked by governmental and non-governmental organizations. Campaigns are organized to raise awareness about the value of girls and to ensure they have better opportunities and resources.

Institutional Level: Educational institutions, including schools and colleges, hold activities such as speeches, essay writing, and debate contests focused on the significance of Daughters Day.

Personal Level: On an individual level, parents celebrate by offering their daughters heartfelt wishes, gifts, and spending quality time together.


How to Celebrate?

Wishes and Quotes:

Celebrating Daughters Day can be as simple as dedicating a heartfelt wish to your daughter.

Parents Daughter

Here’s a sample wish in English, Bengali, and Hindi:

English: I wish for you to always find joy, peace, and happiness. Happy Daughters Day.

View more Daughters Day wishes in English


Bengali: আমি সবসময় আনন্দ, শান্তি এবং সুখ খুঁজে পেতে চাই। শুভ মেয়ে দিন

Hindi: मैं आपके लिए हमेशा खुशी, शांति और आनंद की कामना करता हूं।




A short, sweet poem can light up your daughter’s day. Here’s an example:

A daughter like you
Brought heaven to me
God must have known
You’d be what I need
My love for you
Will never cease.

For more poems, check out Daughters Day poems from a father and from a mother here.



Since 2000, Bangladesh has observed National Girl Child Day on September 30th. The day focuses on raising awareness that girls are not inferior and deserve equal importance as boys. Events, seminars, and rallies are organized to address gender discrimination and promote equality.


Daughters Day resources you may like:


Daughters Day in UK

Daughters Day in the UK


When is Daughters Day 2024 in the United Kingdom?

Daughters Day in the UK falls on Sunday, September 22, 2024. This day is celebrated on the fourth Sunday of September, aligning with similar celebrations worldwide.

Daughters Day in the UK


How is Daughter’s Day Celebrated in the UK?

Daughters Day in the UK is a cherished occasion for families to celebrate their daughters with love and recognition. While there aren’t many formal events, the day is often marked by heartfelt gestures at home, such as giving cards, flowers, and gifts. These small acts serve as reminders of the accomplishments and potential of daughters everywhere.


Ideas for Celebrating Daughters Day

1. Greetings

Parents Daughter

Start the day with a loving message. A simple yet meaningful wish can brighten her day. You can also share a beautifully designed Daughters Day image on platforms like WhatsApp or Facebook.

Dear daughter, it’s you who has brightened up our lives.
You are the answer of our prayers. Live happy forever!


2. Dedicate a poem

Express your love with a poem. Whether you sing it, send it via text, or write it on a card, a heartfelt poem can be a beautiful way to honor your daughter.

Here’s a sample poem:

Each second.  Each step.
Each moment.  Each breath.
Each hour.  Each test.
Each day.  Each success.
You’re okay. Take your time.
You’ll be great and you’ll do fine.
Happy Daughter’s Day!


Explore our collection of Daughters Day poems and find the perfect one for your angel.


3. Memes

Lighten the mood with a fun, relevant meme. It’s a playful way to show your love and make her smile.

daughter day meme

View more memes on Daughter’s Day.


4. Awards

Some communities recognize daughters for their contributions with special awards. This is a touching way to acknowledge their impact on the community and encourage them to pursue their dreams.


5. Visit a fun place

Quality time is invaluable. Consider exploring a museum, park, zoo, or any local attraction your daughter enjoys. Here are some great spots to celebrate Daughters Day in the UK with your little ones.


6. Gifts

Gifts on Daughters Day can range from simple flowers to more personal items, depending on your relationship. It’s a time to celebrate the beauty and promise of your daughter, much like Mother’s and Father’s Day.

See also: Daughters Day Gift Ideas



Daughters Day History in the UK

Daughters Day has quickly gained popularity in the UK, mirroring similar celebrations in other countries like the US. The day has become a national event filled with joy, pride, and a sense of belonging for daughters across the country. Families come together to recognize the contributions of their daughters and to inspire them to pursue their dreams with confidence.


Daughters Day in Other Countries


Speech on My Daughter – Daughters Day 2024

Speech on My Daughter - by Father or Mother


Daughters are true gems in our lives, bringing blessings, joy, and tranquility with their delightful gestures and playful antics. As we cherish these precious moments, we celebrate them on Daughters Day.

Here is a heartfelt speech titled “My Daughter, My Jewel,” perfect for expressing your love on Daughters Day 2024.


Listen or download the speech


Download Here (Right click on the link and select “Save Link As)


My Daughter, My Jewel

Speech on My Daughter - by Father or Mother

A Speech on My Daughter

Hard as I may try, the words to express such complex feelings as I have right now don’t exist yet. I am overwhelmed. Wow! Today I want to share with you all, a testimony of the gift that God blessed the world with; a daughter and a friend.

At birth, I remember the feelings, the joy and light that filled my heart. Watching you announce your entrance into our world with a loud wail made me shed a happy-tear. It was incredible, unbelievable and magical. As I smiled and laughed I wondered what she would be like. What does the future hold for my little girl?

As a toddler taking its first stride to a young child on its first day at school, you amazed me with your abilities. You showed a spirit and body full of energy and happiness. In play and in learning, you were strong, determined, daring and adventurous. You bubbled with life and enthusiasm that always had me smile within and bless the heavens for a daughter like you.  Nothing mattered to me other than to be there for you; to nurture and watch you blossom into the flower that you are.

Growing up as a teenager, you amazed me even more by the way you cared and stood up for others, your exemplary leadership and charisma. You have an uncanny ability to bring out the best in others, always seeking to improve the moments.

The most challenging time in parenting is the time a child becomes a teenager. How you did it, I’m still baffled till today. In dealing with the pressure of parents, school, society, peers and other issues you showed unparalleled maturity. I am proud of you. I had a great time raising a teenager.

Thanks to you, I also made a friend; A friend that will always be there by my side, through thick and thin. I know this because Your heart is pure and true. Happiness is the time we spent together. You have been a miracle, a revelation that never ceases.  You are my best friend.

They say that, “a daughter is one of the most beautiful gifts this world has to give”. How true, today, I can hardly imagine a world without you in it. It’s like living in a world with no air.  I am lucky to have you, the world is lucky to have you in it. The way you live your life is reminiscent of a grown, confident, independent and loving daughter, wife, mother; a woman.

I used to wonder what you would become, but today you have surpassed my expectations. There’s more to come in the future, but I’m confident and look enthusiastically forward to watching you become the woman of your dream.  I love you so much. You mean more than this world to me. Always remember you are brave, capable, and pretty and can be anything and accomplish anything you set your heart on, because you’re my daughter; my super woman.

Happy daughter’s day!


Share this special speech with your beloved daughter and make this Daughters Day memorable.